
Thursday 9 September 2021

Forming Footprints on Rugged Roads: How I Reached a Forgotten Returnee Community in Um Dual Village

Blog by: Mohamed Hashim, Voucher Cashier, Save the Children International in Sudan, South Kordoan

In my eight years of working at Save the Children, I have faced all sorts of trials and tests on the job – but this trip was something special. Last week I visited Talodi and surrounding villages in South Kordofan to conduct an assessment for the UNHCR-funded shelter project. It seems like a routine, simple part of the job - but as the trip unfolded on a particularly rainy day, I was faced with entirely new challenges. 

Thursday 26 August 2021

Education in emergencies program supports children to continue learning in Sudan

Save the Children with funding from the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid is implementing Education in Emergencies program in Rokero, Golo and Nertiti in Sudan.

Thursday 8 July 2021

More than 5.7 million children under five on the brink of starvation across the world

Save the Children launches largest ever appeal to help prevent hundreds of thousands of children from dying of hunger

Wednesday 16 June 2021

بيان صحفي اليوم العالمي للطفل الأفريقي 2021 | Joint Press Release Day of the African Child 2021

Monday 24 May 2021

Save the Children's Ethiopian Refugee Response in Um Rakoba Camp, Gedaref

There is a growing humanitarian complex crisis emerging across Sudan, not just on the border with Ethiopia. Across the whole of Sudan, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance is 12.7 million, over one quarter of the total population. The crisis encompasses conflict displacement, flooding, disease outbreak and food insecurity. Sudan has long suffered from overstretched and fragile public services, and the recent multiple shocks have pushed their capacity to the limit.
