
Monday 28 February 2022

جودة التعليم للأطفال ذوي الإعاقة: قصة بشاير وهي تواصل تعليمها | Quality Education for Children with Disabilities: The Story of Bashayir Continuing Her Schooling

Wednesday 22 December 2021

PRESS RELEASE | Sudan crisis: Children forced to work, skip meals as situation worsens


Montaser, 14 (centre), with his family in their home in Khartoum. Photo credit: Katharina von Schroeder/Save the Children. 

22 December 2021 – Children are being forced to work long hours in Sudan as the country’s economic and humanitarian crisis continues to deteriorate, Save the Children said.

Sunday 28 November 2021


In the early hours of October 25th, the Transitional Military Council took measures against the civilian cabinet of the Transitional Government of Sudan.  Arresting several ministers and the Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, Sudan experienced and faced a major political change in government leading to social and political unrest.

A nationwide state of emergency was announced. Communications were disrupted. Freedom of mobility was restricted.

Thursday 16 September 2021

منظمة رعاية الطفولة تعقد ورشة عمل إطلاق إعلان المدارس الآمنة | Save the Children in Sudan Holds Safe Schools Declaration Rollout Workshop

"إن بناء الدولة يبدأ بالتعليم ؛ والأطفال في المستقبل سيكونون هم المسؤولون عن بناء الاقتصاد" قالت تيريز لوكين غيزيل، سفيرة النرويج في السودان ، التي أعربت عن التزام النرويج بدعم انتقال السودان إلى جمهورية ديمقراطية شاملة.

"علينا التأكد بشكل الخاص من حصول الفتيات على هذا التعليم لأنهن لا يتلقون نفس الفرص من حيث امكانية التسجيل والحضور."

Thursday 26 August 2021

Education in emergencies program supports children to continue learning in Sudan

Save the Children with funding from the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid is implementing Education in Emergencies program in Rokero, Golo and Nertiti in Sudan.
